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I Giuristi Democratici sul rispetto dei diritti degli appartenenti all'opposizione iraniana attualmente internati
Redazione 12 settembre 2012 15:08

- Hon. Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State

- Hon. Antonio Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

- Baroness Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Dear Secretary General,
We are addressing you in this letter to express our utmost concern regarding the plight of Camps Ashraf and Liberty residents and the pressures imposed on them.

We emphasize that the residents’ humanitarian demands at Liberty still withstand and the GoI must see to their provision as soon as possible and withhold from setting obstacles in the path of the residents’ actions. The residents seek to provide and ensure their minimum humanitarian needs, which to date has been obstructed by the GoI.

In a recent report, the UN Human Rights Council Working Group on Arbitrary Detention announced that the situation of 2400 Camp Liberty residents violates the standards and principles of international human rights law, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Liberty residents face appalling conditions of basic infrastructures. They are denied freedom of movement outside the camp. Their lawyers, human rights delegations and parliamentarians have been denied access to Camp Liberty, and this camp is similar to a prison.

The humanitarian needs of Camps Ashraf and Liberty residents must be meet as soon as possible. Especially since the residents have accepted all financial expenses for these plans and all the GoI has to do is stop hindering the process. The residents’ demands are as follows:

- Connecting Liberty to the city water network or pumping water from a channel adjacent to the camp;

- Transferring all generators in Ashraf, especially the six main generators, to Liberty;

- Sale of Ashraf residents’ mobile and immovable properties;

- Transferring 1 personal vehicle for every 40 residents from Ashraf to Liberty;

- Delivering 6 utility vehicles for every 400 residents;

- Transferring 5 forklifts to Liberty for moving heavy loads.

We urge you to support the legitimate demands of Camp Ashraf and Liberty residents and to obligate the GoI to meet humanitarian and human rights standards at Camp Liberty. UN and the US must force the GoI to live up to its humanitarian obligations and meet these demands.


Fabio Marcelli, Italian Association of Democratic Lawyers